Spider veins (Telangectasia)

Spider veins, medically known as telangiectasia, are small blood vessels that appear as thin irregular fine lines, about 1 mm in diameter – resembling that of a spider web. While spider veins are not a threat to health, they can be unsightly for certain people. The most common and effective method to treat these small vessels is with laser. Our FOTONA STARWALKER is an excellent treatment for this condition.

Stay Young

Neck and chest

Often times, we focus our skincare regime and treatments only on the face, ignoring the neck and chest area. It is vital to take care of the skin on your neck and chest as the skin here is less elastic than the skin on your face and therefore more prone to aging. Sagging, wrinkling and freckling all point to years of neglect on our neck and chest. At Dr Jasmine Clinic, we offer a variety of treatments that will lift, tighten and correct all the problem areas in the neck and chest to achieve your desired outcome.

Fotona Starwalker

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