Female Sexual Wellness
You can reclaim your personal life with our superior Women’s health treatment methods. Furthermore, enhance your sexual and personal life with this effective diagnosis proceedings.

A. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation
What you should know?
Over time, with increasing age, or post- partum, the vaginal tissue can stretch, creating laxity/looseness and reduced sensitivity in the vaginal area. This can cause reduced sexual pleasure and affect your sex life. Our laser vaginal rejuvenation therapy is a minimally-invasive laser procedure that incorporates CO2 technology. It is a revolutionary clinical solution for rebuilding collagen in the vaginal walls, hence increasing sensitivity and vaginal tightness, and improving sexual satisfaction. Besides that, it can restore lubrication in the vaginal area, and is suitable for post menopausal women, where shift in hormones can cause the lining of the vaginal wall to become thinner, less elastic and drier. Our laser treatment can also effectively treat stress incontinence, which as a term used to describe involuntary leaking of urine whenever you sneeze, laugh, cough or exercise. SUI occurs due to weakened pelvic floor and loss of strength in the urethra. Laser therapy effectively combats this by increasing the thickness of the vaginal walls and strengthening the pelvis structure. During the procedure, a probe is inserted into the vagina and the deep layers of the vaginal wall containing collagen are gently stimulated. On average, a person would need three treatments with an interval of two weeks.
How long the procedure takes
Roughly 30 to 45 minutes
Painless with no anaesthesia required and no downtime. There is an immediate improvement in overall function with long lasting effects.
Female Sexual Wellness
A. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation And Tightening
What you should know?
Over time, the vaginal tissue can stretch, creating looseness and reduced sensitivity in the vaginal area. This can cause reduced sexual pleasure and affect your sex life. Our laser vaginal rejuvenation therapy is a minimally-invasive laser procedure that incorporates CO2 technology. It is a revolutionary clinical solution for rebuilding collagen in the vaginal walls, hence increasing sensitivity and vaginal tightness. Besides that, it can restore lubrication in the vaginal area, and is suitable for post menopausal women. During the procedure, a probe is inserted into the vagina and the deep layers of the vaginal wall containing collagen are gently stimulated. On average, a person would need three to six treatments with an interval of two weeks between each treatment.
How long the procedure takes
Roughly 30 to 45 minutes
Painless with no anaesthesia required and no downtime. There is an immediate improvement in overall function with long lasting effects.
B. Stress Urinary Incontinence
What you should know?
Our laser treatment can also effectively treat stress incontinence, which is a term used to describe involuntary leaking of urine whenever you sneeze, laugh, cough or exercise. SUI occurs due to weakened pelvic floor and loss of strength in the urethra. Laser therapy effectively combats this by increasing the thickness of the vaginal walls and strengthening the pelvis structure. During the procedure, a probe is inserted into the vagina and the deep layers of the vaginal wall containing collagen are gently stimulated. On average, a person would need three treatments with an interval of two weeks between each treatment.
How long the procedure takes
Roughly 30 to 45 minutes
Painless with no anaesthesia required and no downtime. There is an immediate improvement in overall function with long lasting effects.
Balanced Health
Want a Professional Assistance?
Sexual life deviates due to an “N” number of factors. Addressing the reasons may need some assistance. Let our experts help you to regain satisfaction in your personal life.
C. Orgasm Shot/O Shot
What you should know?
Childbirth, menopause and the natural aging process can all affect sexual wellness. Loss of sensation, dryness, laxity can all result in a poor sexual life quality. This exciting treatment uses PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) to rejuvenate the vulval and vaginal tissue. After typically 3-4 sessions of the procedure, many patients report increased sexual sensitivity, more frequent and stronger orgasms. The treatment requires a small amount of blood taken from you and processed in a machine which will isolate the thin layer rich in growth factors (PRP). After numbing the genital area with local anaesthesia cream, very specific sites of the vaginal wall are painlessly injected including the ‘G-Spot’ area. This activates the process of tissue repair and regeneration through the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Nerves in the area are also stimulated. We recommend 6 sessions 4 weeks apart for maximum results. Thereafter, patients can have sessions as needed for maintenance therapy.
How long the procedure lasts
Roughly 30 to 40 minutes
No downtime
C. Labiaplasty
What you should know?
Labia comes in all sizes, shapes and forms. Some women feel uncomfortable with how their labia feel and look. This may manifest as reduced self confidence and sexual satisfaction. At Dr Jasmine clinic, patients are first seen by our expert doctors for a comprehensive consultation and assessment prior to the procedure to ensure their expectations are met. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia in a sterile manner. The area treated will be numbed completely with local anaesthetic injections. You will be awake during the procedure however you will also be given adequate pain killers to assist with the pain and keep you comfortable.
How long the procedure lasts
Roughly 5-6 hours
Patients are advised to avoid any strenuous activity such as exercise or lifting heavy objects for the first two weeks following the procedure whilst taking the pain medications. During the first week, some light bleeding is common and patients are advised to practise good personal hygiene to avoid any infection. Patients are to return back to the clinic after 2 weeks for suture removal. To allow for optimal healing, patients are advised to abstain from sexual activity for the first 6 weeks.
D. Labiaplasty
What you should know?
Labiaplasty is a procedure done to alter the appearance of the labia majora and labia minora for both functional and cosmetic purposes. Labia comes in all sizes, shapes and forms. Some women may feel uncomfortable with how their labia feel and look. This may manifest as reduced self confidence and sexual satisfaction. At Dr Jasmine clinic, you will first be seen by our expert doctors for a comprehensive consultation and assessment prior to the procedure to ensure your expectations are met. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia in a sterile manner. The area treated will be numbed completely with local anaesthetic injections. You will be awake during the procedure however you will also be given adequate pain killers to assist with the pain and keep you comfortable.
How long the procedure lasts
Roughly 5-6 hours
You are advised to avoid any strenuous activity such as exercise or lifting heavy objects for the first two weeks following the procedure whilst taking the pain medications. During the first week, some light bleeding is common and you are advised to practise good personal hygiene to avoid any infection. You are to return back to the clinic after 2 weeks for suture removal. To allow for optimal healing, we advise to abstain from sexual activity for the first 6 weeks.
F. Vulva Rejuvenation (Labia Majora Augmentation)
What you should know?
In recent times, women have become more vocal in their concerns about volume loss in their labial region, as well as the problems such as vaginal dryness due to inadequate labial structural support. Those looking to improve the contours and shape of their labia as well as increase its size are in luck. We are now able to rejuvenate the Labia Majora by adding volume and increasing firmness using Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers . Results are immediate but significant improvement may only be seen after 2 weeks. These results can last anywhere from 12 up to 18 months depending on the filler used. At Dr Jasmine clinic, patients are first seen by our expert doctors for a comprehensive consultation and assessment prior to the procedure to ensure their expectations are met. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia in a sterile manner. The area treated will be numbed completely with local anaesthetic injections prior to the procedure.
How long the procedure lasts
Roughly one hour
You are advised to avoid any strenuous activity such as exercise or lifting heavy objects for the first two weeks following the procedure whilst taking the pain medications. During the first week, you are advised to practise good personal hygiene to avoid any infection. To allow for optimal healing, we advise to abstain from sexual activity for one week
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